So today was my first time free motion quilting on an actual quilt. I hated every last second of the first 3rd of the quilt. I ran out of thread and I stepped back and I hated it. I absolutely hated it. So I left it alone to go get some thread and debate on what I should do next.
So I came home and made the mistake my non-quilting husband (doesn't know terminology) and I asked his opinion. He was seeing all of the mistakes and the unfinished-ness of it. The quilt had a couple of inches of batting and backing off the side, and for some reason the black really stood out on the back. Then he said what I was feeling, "I don't really like the colors." I started crying. I was so frustrated at that point that I let it all go.
I got my pick out and was going to start ripping out the stitches. Jay told me to stop and just finish the quilt. When you are done it may work. He was right. I finished the last two-thirds of the quilt, with a more relaxed, I don't give a shit attitude. It turned out so much better than I thought it was going to.
I don't know if I will attempt meandering again soon, but I am glad listened to my husband. Now I just need to bind it and wrap it up for Claire's birthday.
On the baking front, I did a test run of the Cars cake pan from Williams and Sonoma. I used strawberry cake, which I wasn't a fan of. Maybe lemon cake next time.
That is a very cute quilt. I hated the first thing I did too. I'm still too critical, but I've found that if I let it sit overnight or for a week and then look at it again, it doesn't look so bad. And washing hides a multitude of mistakes once it crinkles up. FMQ is a lot like learning to drive. A while down the road when you're more comfortable with it, you'll be able to look back on that quilt as a reference point and see how far you've come!